2026/2027 Admissions Arrangement- Under Consultation
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is consulting on the admission arrangements for the Academic Year 2026-27 and is seeking responses from parent/carers, schools and community groups. The proposed changes are:
Alteration of wording where the policy is managed by St Joseph's Catholic Primary School to the St Francis of Assisi (SFOA) Catholic Academy Trust. This means all Primary Schools within the St Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy Trust will be adopting the same Admissions Policy, using the same over-subscription criteria.
The addition within each category of the over-subscription criteria of a third prioritisation point, covering children of members of staff.
The consultation period runs from 20th November– 1st January 2025. Please send your comments regarding the proposals to the school direct at admin@stjosephs207.herts.sch.uk