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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Great Hadham Road, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire CM23 2NL


About the Governing Body

St Joseph's is founded by, and is part of, the Catholic Church. The school is held in Trust by the Diocesan Trustees appointed by the Archbishop.

The Governing Body oversees the operation of the school on behalf of the Archbishop & the Diocesan Trustees.

Governorship is largely a strategic role geared to improving and developing the school

The school's progress is reviewed and monitored against the aims and objectives set for it by the Governors

The overall responsibility is a corporate one, but most of the work is undertaken by Governors participating in the sub-committees that have responsibilities delegated to them from the full Governing Body

Governors also undertake regular visits to the school to ensure that they are familiar with areas of interest to them in their roles.

The Governors are accountable to the school community for the performance of the school.

The minutes of Governing Body meetings and all school policy statements are available for inspection at the school office.

To contact the governors directly please send an email to: