Nursery Admissions 2025-26
At St Joseph's we offer 15 and 30 hours of childcare provision. If your child has been offered a nursery place, please complete the Funding Declaration Form and return to the school office when your child starts.
Nursery applications for 2025-26 are now open! We will be holding two open days for prospective nursery parents on the following dates and times:
Tuesday 4th February @ 9:30am
Wednesday 26th February @ 9:30am
The open days are designed to give information to parents about our setting. You are welcome to bring your child if you are unable to arrange alternative childcare.
To book, please contact the school office on 01279 652576.
Please see below important dates for nursery admissions:
Application open: Wednesday 22nd January
Application closes: Friday 7th March
Monday 17th March: Places offered directly to parents
Friday 25th April: Deadline for parents to accept places