Lea Valley Deanery Adoration
Adoration and our young
On Wednesday 23rd January, the Chaplaincy Teams of the Lea Valley Deanery (100 children) took part in a shared Retreat Day which focused on our Eucharistic Journey. During the morning, we learned more about the Eucharist through music, song and activities, led by David O'Connell from St Mary's. In the afternoon, we all experienced Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, led by Deacon Adrian. During this, the children were invited to bring their prayers before the Blessed Sacrament. The children had a wonderful day and learnt a great deal about why the Eucharist is known as the source and summit of our lives.
Congratulations to Miss Cassidy-Jones for organising this event for the nine Lea Valley Deanery schools.
Pupil testimonies
"I really enjoyed learning more about the Eucharist - Mr O'Connell made it easy for us to understand".
"The song that we sang (Bread of Life) helped me to understand that Jesus gave himself for us."
"I really enjoyed learning the sign language for the words of Bread of Life as they made me think about what the words really mean."
"The video that Mr O'Connell showed us made me realise why Jesus is called the 'Lamb of God' ."
"Mr O'Connell spoke to us about 'wow' moments and how we are all special. I felt very special when he said that if I was the only person on earth, Jesus would still have come to save me."
"My favourite part was getting to know the children from the other Chaplaincy Teams - it was nice to work together."
"I felt very special when we had Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church because Jesus was with us and we were singing the words to him. In my silence, I thanked God for sending Jesus to us."